本、硕、博期间一直学习心理学,从事心理学教学、科研工作20年,主要研究领域为社会心理与服务、社会心态与心理健康、管理心理与情绪调节、等;主持国家社科基金、教育部留学回归基金、广东省哲学社科科学、广东省软科学、广东省教育厅思想政治专项、省级教改项目、省级教学团队、省级精品资源共享课、省级专业综合改革试点等省部级及以上纵向课题近10项;主持心理健康、压力应对、EAP等横向项目10余项;在《International Journal of Psychological Studies》《心理学报》等杂志发表论文60余篇,出版专著1部,参编教材3部。
Personal Details
Name: Guifang FU
Address: Xiaoguwei,Panyu district, Guangzhou, Guangzhou High Education Mega Center
Zip code: 510006
Country of permanent residence: China
Citizenship: Chinese
Marital status: married
Current employment: Professor of Psychology, School of Politics andPublic Administration, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province
PhD in the area of Social Psychology awarded 2004
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province
Master in the area of Development and Education Psychology awarded 2000
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province
Bachelor of Science, majoring in Psychology, awarded 1997
Professional Experience
Professor of Psychology, 2013 to today
The Department of Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
Course: Experimental Psychology, Social Psychology, History of Psychology,Human Resource Management, Interpersonal Psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology, 2004 - 2013
The Department of Social Psychology, Jilin University, China.
The Department of Psychology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
Course: Social psychology, Development psychology, Educational psychology, Human Resource Management, Work psychology
Visiting Scholar, 2010.08-2011.02
University of Queensland, Australia
Worked with Prof.Neal M. Askkanasy, and focused on emotions at the workplace.
Visiting Scholar, 2004.10-2005.10
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Worked with Prof. Kurt Reusser, and focused on learning Psychology.
Research Interests
Major topic: Social psychology (e.g. social emotion, mobile phone dependence)
Work psychology (e.g. EAP, emotions at workplace, emotional regulation at works)
Minor topic: Psychology of Learning and Instruction and Cognitive Development
Language skills
Mother language: Chinese
Foreign language: English, good command of both reading and written English.
German, B-level, ability to speak daily German and the ability of reading literature in German
Selected Fund Project
Intervention on mental health problems of scientific and technological personnel , Soft science project of Guangdong Province,2018
Attentional disengagement mechanism and intervention of mobile phone dependence, The National Social Science Foundation Project of China, 2016
Research on social emotion and intervention of migrant workers, Philosophy and social science fund project in Guangdong province, 2012
Overseas Returned Scholars Research Start Fund project of the Ministry of Education of China, 2008